Saturday, February 6, 2016

How to Wax a curb?

Well, umm... The first thing we need to understand here is that this has almost a quarter million views. So there's that... If this is a monetized channel, like so many others (I gotta start one!) that means this garnered a thousand dollars or so... Dunno...

But kids, don't wax us. Hit us with the Krylon clear, and go fast and get light... Wax gets your grip all sloppy and messes up everyone's day... Get it straight and hit us honest and fast. If we are painted, put a bit of paint on us...

If you MUST use wax, try to use the least possible quantity. There are immense benefits in not being sloppy with the wax, from not pissing off a property owner, to avoiding the spreading mess on hot days...

This kid is working hard here... Be cool to him. Props...

Raisinman gets it!

It is good to be wanted, needed and appreciated. We all need to be loved, no matter whether we are red, yellow, green or blue.


This blog is a simple experiment in focus. 
Focus on a terrain set. 

The stuff of parking lots and back alley skateboarding. 
The stuff of transit, from park to backyard ramp, and back home. 

This will be a contrast to high-handed nostalgia and convoluted rhetoric about shit that went down 20 years ago... 

It is about you, and me, and "PB". 

The Facebook page has a rule: you have to post from the obstacle's perspective. All posts have to start with "Dear Diary". 

On here, I will experiment with focusing on samples of inspiring skateboarding, done on concrete obstacles found in the transit environment. 

Transit environment. There's the term. I skated today. And I made boards today. And I'm going skating again at 7pm, after I load some more boards... So see ya! 

hi everybody!

Heeey Guyys!

Just a place for me to drop my daily adventures of being a parking block. Getting slapped... Non-compliance...
Just good times!

Follow my Facebook posts at "The Parking Block's Diary", where the voice of the parking block speaks!